Paul Strecker. Diaries 1917-1950

Paul Strecker (1898–1950) not only worked as a painter and set designer but also as a writer, critic and journalist. His bequest contained figurines and draft set designs as well as numerous typescripts of literary texts. The archive centres around eleven diaries dating from 1917 to 1950 containing more than 1,700 pages. Because Strecker lived in Paris from 1924 to 1944, his records provide unique information on the German-French art scene of the time. Strecker reflected on his own artistic development and gave detailed descriptions of exhibitions, trips and encounters with fellow artists in both countries.


11 hits found in 11 documents.

Entries 1 to 11 of 11.

  1. Vorschaubild von [Tagebuch 1]
  2. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 10
  3. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 11
  4. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 2
  5. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 3
  6. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 4
  7. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 5
  8. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 6
  9. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 7
  10. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 8
  11. Vorschaubild von Tagebuch 9
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